A well-organized board meeting can be an essential element to the success of your company. But many companies fall into the trap of « if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it » thinking when it comes to their board meetings. This can result in ineffective meetings that are boring and aren’t generating results for the www.yearsboard.com/how-to-have-a-great-board-meeting/ company. This article will provide some guidelines on how to conduct a an effective and engaging board meeting that can benefit your company.

Set the tone for your board meeting at the beginning and at the closing. A solid opening and a powerful closing can set the tone for your meeting, fostering an atmosphere of cohesion among board members. Additionally meeting the board in a different place (a program site or a restaurant, for instance) will instantly stimulate discussions.

Limit the number of major subjects to be discussed at the same time. This will keep the meeting focused around the most important issues for business.

Use a polling application or survey to measure the efficiency of a gathering. This will allow you to know exactly who is taking up the most space and who aren’t speaking up enough. You can redirect the conversation when you know who is speaking too much.

Give time for a discussion of off-agenda items, but be sure to follow up on these topics. This will allow your board members to be involved and will also ensure that the primary objectives of the meeting do not get lost in the midst of tangents.