
Electronic signatures are used to add a layer of legal binding and reliable confirmation to important documents, such as contracts and agreements. Electronic signatures streamline business processes and decrease the time required to process documents while reducing costs. They also assist organizations in meeting requirements of federal, state and industry compliance requirements.

There are a myriad of kinds of e-signature techniques. However the most secure ones are digital signings that are based on certificates that meet the strict standards set by many industries and countries that are heavily controlled. E-signature solutions rely on public key infrastructure (PKI) to create the signature certificate, which is linked to the signer’s personal electronic identification. It’s this link that authenticates the signature, assuring that only the signatory has access to the private key which validates the signature.

These e-signatures offer many advantages in addition to the security they provide. They are a step above other, less basic options. Audit trails, encryption, and other security features on the backend can help ensure authenticity. They may also include pen-like strokes and inks for an appearance that is more familiar.

In addition to speeding up processes and removing the need for paper, electronic signatures can also improve the efficiency of teams and to please customers, employees and other stakeholders with seamless and paperless experience that is simple to use on any device. For instance, certain e signature software solutions provide bulk signing functionality that lets senior executives quickly and easily sign standard contracts with just few clicks instead of signing them in a separate manner.