Manage your finances and documents

A financial institution’s trust department is typically responsible for managing a variety of crucial paperwork, including powers of attorney, conservatorship papers and investment portfolios along with banking statements and bill payments. All of these documents must meet strict requirements for compliance. This means that they must be tracked, and regulated in a systematic manner.

Begin by putting all your documents together. Sort them by type (banking documents or insurance documents.). Then, sort them by the type (banking and insurance.) After they have been sorted by date, you can label them, place them in three different folders, and store them for future use, or even shred them. This method will stop you from spending time going through old files, and will also help you avoid paying for products or services that you already have in your possession.

A digital document management system, such as BDS is a fantastic way to organize your financial records. By storing your crucial financial data digitally, it is much easier to access and find when needed. Plus digital records are more secure than paper. Contact us to learn how we can assist you in improving your workflow.