Email is a vital part of the modern workplace. It’s also a convenient method for hackers to load malware onto devices and steal data or demand ransoms. While it’s impossible to stop all emails, there are several best techniques that can help keep malware at in check.

Antivirus software is one of the most essential tools to prevent you from getting caught, as it scans incoming and outgoing emails for content that could be a threat. Ensure your antivirus program is set to update regularly and check for a virus signature in all files that are attached to emails (file extensions to look out for,.js,.xls,.pdf,.arj,.wsh,.exe,.com,.bat, and.scr). Do not open executables that are included in email attachments. Also, ensure that your email program is configured to not automatically display HTML content or download it.

Instructing your employees on the best practices for email security is another effective way to improve your business’s security. Make sure to share relevant information through team presentations Slack, or other collaboration platforms. This will ensure that all employees are aware of and are able to mitigate the current threats.

Hackers seek out vulnerabilities in older software. Making sure your operating system and email program as well as other digital platforms up-to-date helps close these gaps. By using passwords that are strong and are unique they make it much more difficult for cybercriminals who use brute force or phishing attacks to take over your account. Use a password management application to create and store secure passwords across your online accounts. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA), wherever possible.